
Showing posts from September, 2018

RPG Music

I love music. Lucky for me then that what feels like a limitless archive touching on every genre is readily available through any of the numerous streaming services (both free and for pay) that are out there. I do not hesitate to take advantage of that access. Not a day goes by where I don’t listen to music of some kind for at least a couple hours, whether while working, during my commute, or just to unwind at home. (As I'm editing this, I'm listening to Funkadelic.) In many ways, music is the backdrop of my life. So, it should be no surprise that I can’t resist playing background music while I’m running a roleplaying game. I don't do this just  for my own amusement. When handled correctly, music in an RPG can enrich the events that unfold at the table, conjuring a feeling of dread when entering an unexplored lair, quickening the heart during a combat sequence, or lifting the spirit for an honored celebration. When mishandled, music can be a distraction, pulling playe