
Showing posts from December, 2017

Hooked on Gnomes Part 7

A Collection of Gnome Encounters You'll Not Soon Forget Oh my! More gnomes. More encounters. More gnome encounters! You know the routine. Check these out. Enjoy them.. Use them as side quests or as full story arcs. This is the seventh set of ten encounters. Check out my previous posts for the earlier hooks. The Encounters (61-70) 61.  A pair of gnome miners claims to have struck a rich deposit of gemstones but cannot extract it because they accidentally released a monster that has long been imprisoned deep inside the earth and it now stalks the mine's passages. 62. A small, nut-shaped vehicle that has obviously taken damage is anchored just off shore. A pair of gnomes in sailor clothes pull broken clockwork out of a device mounted to the back of the vehicle, arguing as they do so.  63. The elder of a gnome clan is in search of a few good adventurers to figure out who swapped the clan's most prized gem with a high-quality fake. 64. Residents of an isolated

Hooked on Gnomes Part 6

A Collection of Gnome Encounters You'll Not Soon Forget Yep, more gnome adventure hooks are here! While they were written with Dungeons and Dragons in mind, they can be used in any gnome-friendly setting. These encounters can be used either as side quests or as full story arcs. This is the sixth set of ten encounters. Check out my previous posts for the earlier hooks. The Encounters (51-60) 51. A scraggly gnome in heavy work clothes stumbles toward a member of the party. The goggles he or she wears whir as the lenses periscope in and out. "You're the one," they say. "And you appear to be real. Quickly now. We must act quickly if this is to work." 52.  A small fishing village is abuzz with stories of a metallic sea monster that hunts its fleet and destroys vessels with beams of light and fire that shoot from its eyes. It is said a sea gnome rides its back with devilish glee. 53. The party startles a gnome who is fussing with an object att

Hooked on Gnomes Part 5

A Collection of Gnome Encounters You'll Not Soon Forget The following are even more adventure hooks involving gnomes. They were created with Dungeons and Dragons in mind but are suitable for any setting that includes, indulges in, or flirts with, gnomes and gnome story lines. These encounters can be used either as side quests or as full story arcs. This is the fifth set of ten encounters. Check out previous posts in the blogs for the earlier hooks. The Encounters (41-50) 41. The party finds the skeletal remains of a gnome. Next to it is a clockwork automaton that appears to be shut down. Scratched into its metal body and written in Gnomish is the following, "I've done bad things." 42. A young gnome wants to marry his or her sweetheart but the family won't allow it without a healthy supply of gems. The gnome knows where a cache is hidden but needs help retrieving it. 43. The party is beset by a host of badgers, ferrets, rats, and other burrowing