Random Plot Generator
Random Plot Generator Before COVID, shelter in place, and masks were household topics, I ran one-shot Dungeons and Dragons adventures at my local comic book stores and for Time2Tabletop events. A one-shot, in case you haven't heard the term before, is a full story/adventure that can be completed in a single session of a few hours. Sometimes I show up to these events fully prepared. Other times, I end up running a game on the fly, either because no one else can or because I simply didn't prepare ahead of time. Luckily, many of these one-shots include players who have never picked up dice before let alone played Dungeons and Dragons , so while the players are creating their characters and I'm explaining the rules, I'm also working out the plot in my meat thinker. There are times when I am particularly inspired and the ideas flow. Other times, I struggle to find even a seed of an idea upon which to rest the session. It's at those dry times when I wished I had a cheat