Hooked on Gnomes Part 8

A Collection of Gnome Encounters You'll Not Soon Forget Ladies and gentlemen! Back for another repeat performance! Gnome encounters for fun and profit! Yep. Gnomes. That's what I said. Same old, same old here. Read them. Enjoy them (or not, I'm not the boss of you). Use them as side quests or as full story arcs. This is the eighth set of ten encounters. Check out my previous posts for the earlier hooks. The Encounters (71-80) 71. Two identical gnomes are locked in a cage with the mark of the gnome god Garl Glittergold*. They are dressed in identical clothes which are tattered and soiled in the exact same way. They both beg to be released, each pleading their innocents and accusing the other of heinous crimes. A pile of gems sits between them. 72. The party finds a group of gnomes who are ill-prepared for their adventures. They won't return home until they complete their mission...which by strange fate is the same as the party's. ...