
Showing posts from September, 2017

Hooked on Gnomes Part 1

A Collection of Gnome Encounters You'll Not Soon Forget I've been putting together some adventure hooks that center on gnomes. They're suitable for any fantasy role playing game, but let's face it these are really for Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. They can be used either as side quests or as full story arcs. Here's the first ten encounters. Once I reach one hundred, I want to collect them into a single publication (with additional information on how to use each one) and put them up on the DMs Guild. So, any feedback is always appreciated. The Encounters (1-10) The doors into a gnome burrow are wide open. Orange and green smoke pours from the entrance and escapes through dozens of concealed vents scattered across the landscape. A deep, rhythmic growl rattles the ground and nearly drowns out the high pitched screech of an alarm and cries for help from within. A traveling gnome artificer is selling magical goods from the back of a wagon alongside th

Blog Thoughts

This is just a short blog. Sorry. This is just a short blog for a few reasons. First, I finally got around to playing Mass Effect: Andromeda and -- surprise -- it's consuming my free time from the inside out. This point could actually spin out to "media" in general, especially podcasts. Sure, The Adventure Zone wrapped up (THE FEELS), but a new story is on its way. I also listen to Mission Log (Star Trek related), Sawbones , Nerdist , WTF , Gnomeland Security , and a few others. Netflix binge-watching is also a wonderful time sink! (Isn't the new season of Stranger Things coming soon?) Second, life. Stuff happens and it takes time and effort to resolve. Work takes a huge bite out of the day. Gym takes some time too. Family. Friends. Sick dog. Yada yada yada. Third, gaming. The Skyfell campaign I'm running looks like it will be starting back up on a more reliable basis so I've been thinking about and prepping for that. Also, there's the Infini